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Could your business survive on a four-day week?

Could your business survive on a four-day week?

January 28, 2015 by John McGarvey

Working nine to five, five days a week. That’s the accepted norm for the working week.

But have you ever wondered what would happen if you changed working patterns? How about switching to a four-day week?

You might find that the idea of taking every Friday off appeals to many members of your team. And with work time more limited each week, they may find it easier to stay focused and get things done.

Some trailblazing companies already embrace the four-day week. And while bringing a four-day philosophy to an established company would certainly be a challenge, could it also spark new ideas and energy?

Citrix, the company behind online meeting and collaboration tool GoToMeeting, has created this infographic examining the pros and cons of a four-day working week:

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