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Posts for April 2015

IT for Donuts: easily check where your username is available

April 29, 2015 by John McGarvey

IT for Donuts: easily check where your username is available{{}}IT for Donuts is our regular feature where we explain a tech term or answer a question about business IT

When you’re creating business profiles on social networks and other websites, it’s a good idea to use a consistent username.

This makes it easier for people to find you on different social networks (like Facebook and Twitter), ensures your brand is consistent – and helps you keep track of your presence on these sites.

Is your username available?

However, some popular social networks have millions of users. Others – like Facebook – have billions. That means it can be hard to find a username that’s available everywhere.

What’s more, checking each of these websites individually is a hassle. Lucky, then, that there’s a service to make it easier.

Check everywhere at once

Step forward, NameChk. This brilliant website is definitely one to add to your bookmarks.

Just tap your desired username into the box at the top of the screen. NameChk will check whether that username is available across a whole host of websites, from well-known social networks to niche platforms.

In just a few seconds, you’ll know if your first choice username is viable, or if you need to get your thinking cap on.

Visit NameChk now >

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Is Apple losing its way? (And what can this teach you?)

April 27, 2015 by IT Donut contributor

New Apple MacBook{{}}For years, Apple has represented innovation done right. What sets the tech giant apart from the rest is that its innovation was designed on the basis of user experience

Steve Jobs was famous for this quote about his design approach: "You've got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. You can’t start with the technology and try to figure out where to sell it."

That approach has delivered success for Apple time and time again. But now, I think Apple might be messing with this tried and tested formula.

Where’s the charger gone?

Apple recently released its new MacBook. As usual, the company had lofty ambitions when designing this new bit of kit, claiming it ‘set out to do the impossible’.

But I think this latest MacBook innovates for the sake of innovation.

For instance, a ground-breaking feature used on other Apple laptops is the MagSafe charger. This magnetic connector was used to hook the charger up to your laptop.

Because MagSafe uses magnetism to hold the charging cable in position, it pulls out of the socket relatively easily if tugged. And that means if someone trips over your cable, your laptop is less likely to end up crashing to the floor.

I believe there are two questions to ask here: did Apple need to remove the magnetic charger? And if so, why?

Always thinner, always lighter

Apple wanted its new MacBook to be thinner and lighter. It appears to have removed the MagSafe connector because it was too big.

But why does the MacBook need to be thinner? Doesn’t the MacBook Air already do a good job as an ultra-light, ultra-thin computer?

With the loss of its MagSafe connector, Apple has innovated for the sake of innovation. It’s become obsessed with size and weight, rather than staying focused on the overall customer experience

And this leads us to the lessons we need to learn as business owners. Innovation for the sake of innovation has toppled many businesses at their peak. Here are three examples.

1. The new Coke

In 1985 Coca-Cola was trying to win the Coke-Pepsi war.

Its bright idea? Change the much-loved Coca-Cola formula and replace it with the ‘new Coke’. Cue an enormously negative consumer reaction and a firestorm of protest.

Coke’s original formula was rebranded as ‘Coca-Cola Classic’ and reintroduced less than three months later. New Coke hung around until 2002, but only accounted for a tiny proportion of the company’s sales.

Quite simply, Coca-Cola failed to understand what the drink meant to its customers.

The company focused on taste, smell, design and branding, but failed to understand that Coca-Cola meant far more to people. Coca-Cola was an experience.

Still, the company realised when it had made a mistake and learnt the lesson. Today, you’ll notice that Coke marketing often focuses on the experience of drinking Coca-Cola.

2. Windows Vista

Many of us had first-hand experience of the widely-despised Windows Vista.

Microsoft trumpeted it as a revolutionary new operative system, but it received poor reviews. InfoWorld rated it number two in tech’s all-time 25 flops.

Vista probably helped to drive PC users towards Apple computers. Indeed, Apple capitalised on the opportunity with its 'I'm a Mac' advertising campaign.

Microsoft has since begun to learn that customers look for an experience over features or 'innovation'. For instance, one video that heralds the release of Windows 10 uses the word ‘experience’ over 20 times.

The proof will be in the pudding, with Windows 10 due later this year. It could be Microsoft’s opportunity to bounce back, hitting Apple where it hurts.

3. Samsung and the Galaxy 6

The Samsung Galaxy 6 smart phone is new, but has Samsung made a mistake?

Previously, Samsung and its customers would brag to Apple users about the ability to add hardware features to their smartphones – something you cannot easily do with Apple products.

Samsung customers are proud that they can easily add memory and replace the batteries in their handsets.

Yet for some reason, Samsung has removed these features from its new Samsung Galaxy 6. Its created a ‘static’ phone, like the Apple iPhone. This creates two problems:

  1. Some loyal Samsung customers are moving away from the brand, seeking alternative smart phones with upgradeable memory and replaceable batteries.
  2. Apple customers don’t generally stick with Apple because of the hardware features. They love the software features, choosing to stay with Apple because they love how simple and easy to use the iPhone is.

If Samsung customers desert the company in greater numbers, the company could find itself losing market share as well as loyal fans.

From peak to average

Many great companies have become average at the peak of their success.

Confident and buoyed by success, they decided to innovate for the sake of innovating, rather than staying focused on customer experience.

Every business owner, big or small, should learn from the mistakes of these giants. If they can suffer from ‘over innovation’ then imagine what it could do to your business.

Whenever you think about launching a new product or updating an existing service, think about your customers. What do they want? What is the experience like for them?

Will the new MacBook herald the decline of Apple? In time, we’ll see - but in my opinion, it could. You read it here first!

Dominic Kitchin is director and founder of Saxonbury & Kent.

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Don't panic about Google's mobile changes

April 20, 2015 by John McGarvey

As you might have heard, tomorrow Google is making some changes to how it ranks websites. The headline is that mobile-friendliness is now an important ranking factor

That means when you search from a mobile device, Google will generally show mobile-friendly websites higher up the list.

Unusually, the search engine provided advance warning of the change. As a result, some website owners have spent the last few weeks panicking about the effect on their site traffic.

Now, we’re not saying you don’t need to worry. It is really important that your website works well on mobile devices and you shouldn’t undertake any significant redesign without thinking about the mobile experience.

But at the same time, don’t panic. Rushing through poorly-planned changes could do more harm than good by confusing visitors who are used to the status quo.

If you’re not sure what to do about these changes, here are four questions to ask yourself.

1. Does your site get many mobile visitors?

The change only affects results when you search from mobile devices, like smart phones or tablets. If you get lots of mobile visitors, you’ll be hit harder than if you only receive a few.

Check your web analytics to see what proportion of visitors arrive from mobile devices. Google Analytics lets you split out mobile users. Just choose Audience > Mobile > Overview.

If the proportion of mobile visitors is relatively low (say 10%) then this change isn’t going to spell disaster. Conversely, if 40% or more of visitors come from mobile devices, it might be wise to get your skates on.

2. How does your site look on a smart phone?

Depending on how your website is built, you might be pleasantly surprised at how it works on mobile devices. Even sites that haven’t been designed with mobile in mind can look ok.

Additionally, some template-based website builders have added mobile features in recent months. Simply updating your templates might be enough to improve the mobile experience.

Helpfully, Google provides a mobile-friendly test that reveals how mobile-friendly your website is. Enter your website address to see a breakdown of elements like font size, link proximity, page width and more.

Again, if the test says your site isn’t mobile friendly this isn’t a disaster. But that knowledge should help you prioritise work to make it mobile friendly.

3. How are your competitors doing?

The competitive landscape will influence how this change affects your website traffic. If none of your competitors have mobile-friendly websites then you’ll all be penalised, so the upshot is not much will change.

Of course, your biggest competitor could be about to unveil an amazing website that adapts to different screen sizes beautifully. But if the market is behind as a whole then you don’t need to worry quite so much.

4. How does your site currently rank on mobile?

Try searching for some of your target keywords from your smart phone.

Frankly, if your website is outside the top ten results then being demoted further isn’t likely to have a vast effect on traffic levels.

You’ll probably want to change that, of course. But you need to think seriously about your search strategy, rather than rushing to put together some half-baked mobile solution.

Don’t panic, but do start thinking

As we said earlier, mobile devices form an increasing proportion of internet traffic. Even if you don’t get many mobile users at the moment, that is likely to change.

But it’s vital you think through how you’re going to cater for these people. If you plan to move to a responsive design (which adapts to different screen sizes), it’s important to make sure your content still makes sense for all your visitors.

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Tagged Google | 1 comment

Finding your way to mobile 'appiness'

April 13, 2015 by John McGarvey

Mobile apps for business{{}}Encouraging your employees to use mobile apps at work could make them more productive and happier, according to new research. So, how can your business enjoy the benefits of apps, while avoiding the pitfalls?

The research was released by webexpenses, which — of course — makes its own mobile app.

It found that people who use mobile apps at work are 21% more likely to be happier in their jobs than people who don’t use mobile apps in the workplace.

That’s quite a claim. But if you assume productive employees are happy employees, and apps make you more productive, then it’s not a stretch to argue that more apps = happier employees.

Employees say apps save them time

According to the research, 63% of people who do use apps at work report that their favourite mobile tools save them time. Additionally, 39% say apps help them track tasks, and 17% say they use apps help to manage finances.

And, if the research is to be believed, on average mobile technology helps each employee save 86 minutes a week. That’s getting on for a day a month.

Over half say this is because apps make it easier to work on the go, and 43% claim mobile apps cut down on time spent on admin.

“Whether it’s for keeping in touch with clients or managing expenses, mobile apps save people valuable time and hassle,” reckons Michael Richards, chairman of webexpenses. “That means they can focus their resource on more productive and less frustrating tasks.”

Is it really that simple?

That’s all well and good. But I reckon things are a little more nuanced.

For starters, there’s the issue of stress. Mobile apps are only ever a tap away.

While that’s great if you want to raise an invoice on your smart phone after a successful client meeting, it’s not necessarily a good thing if you can’t stay off your phone while you’re meant to be with your family.

As we’ve mentioned before, there are a number of issues associated with heavy use of smart phones, including increased stress, sleep disorders and disruption to our body clocks.

Then there’s the problem of distractions. Mobile apps make it easy to switch between tasks, so you’re more likely to succumb to the temptation to check Twitter or open your inbox.

The research doesn’t seem to address whether employees who save time in one area are also wasting it via other mobile apps, but it doesn’t seem a great leap to imagine that every minute saved in one app is a minute to waste in another.

Use apps wisely

Don’t get me wrong. Business apps are really useful. People run entire businesses from their smart phones, so the benefits are clear for all to see.

However, the idea that more apps = happier, more productive employees seems like an oversimplification.

You need to make sure you’re giving your people access to the most appropriate apps, in a structured way. And you need to find ways to help employees achieve balance in their lives.

You can achieve 'appiness’. But you won't get there by simply throwing the door open to more apps.

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It’s time to ditch the two-number business

April 08, 2015 by Steve Smith

Man using two phones{{}}Mobile technology has come a long way since 1985, when the first UK mobile phone call was made. Mobile is a lynchpin of business, and smart phones have become central to how we work.

The recent growth in sole traders is a case in point. Few of these new one-person businesses would consider operating without a smart phone.

But many business owners also feel that having a landline number projects an established, professional image. The result? Most companies still have landline and mobile services, even though this means doubling up on costs.

It’s now easier than ever to reroute calls regardless of where a physical phone line is. So, is it time to think again?

Separate mobile and landline

Maintaining mobile and landline services can be pricey. In addition to the cost of two contracts, you pay through the nose to have calls diverted from landline to mobile when you’re out and about.

Planning to move your business to a new location? Transferring your landline number can be a slow and painful process. That’s assuming it’s possible at all – if you’re moving to a different area then you’ll need a new number.

So, how can you maintain the agility and flexibility that a small business should be known for, without spending so much on your phone services?

The single-phone business

To cut your telephone costs you need to stop thinking of a phone number as something that’s tied to a particular location.

In the old days, that’s how it was. Your telephone supplied installed a telephone line, and that was associated with your number. If someone called it, they’d be connected via that line.

Today, you can switch to a virtual business phone number. This still gives you a landline phone number, but you can reroute calls to wherever you like.

For instance, when you’re in the office as usual, the number can be set to ring a phone on your desk. But when you’re on the move, it’s your smart phone that will ring instead.

For callers, nothing changes. They call the same, professional telephone number as always. You can answer, no matter where you are.

Virtual number services usually let you choose what sort of phone number you want. You could opt for a number that uses your local area code, or for a national number (probably starting 03…).

You can hang on to that number for as long as you like – no matter how many time the company moves locations.

Using apps to stay in touch

Once you have a virtual number set up, you can usually use apps to stay in touch. These can run on your computer, tablet or smart phone.

As long as you’re connected to the internet (via Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G), you should be able to make and receive calls from your virtual number. (You might need to use a headset connected to your computer or mobile device.)

When you’re busy or can’t answer for some reason, a good virtual number service will record a message for you and forward the recording by email. 

If you currently pay for a business landline and smart phone, perhaps you should start to think differently. A virtual number could give you more freedom, more flexibility … and fewer missed calls.

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