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Forum - Can the UK really become the 'technology centre' of Europe?

Can the UK really become the 'technology centre' of Europe?

In the Budget 2012, George Osborne said that he has aspirations for the UK to become the 'technology centre' of Europe. Osborne also revealed plans for major cities across the UK to receive ultra-fast broadband and Wi-Fi, helping us to keep up with our European counterparts. Do you think this as a realistic goal?

Recently, our editor John McGarvey asked if we're lagging behind our European counterparts in the technology stakes?

So what do you think? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

imanuelv's picture

George is a wally! If we're still struggling to keep up with our European buddies, what gives us the authority to try and lead this development? Jolly lovely idea though!

frances_johnson's picture

I concur. A bit too ambitious methinks. Very nice use of 'wally' and 'jolly' too.

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