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Forum - So you have a website? What is your next step? Get feedback.

So you have a website? What is your next step? Get feedback.

Ok, subject to not being overwhelmed with requests (I prefer to provide quality feedback over quantity!), if you post a link to your business / personal website below I will be more than happy to provide some constructive feedback, or advise what you can do next to extend your online presence - all of which will hopefully aid in increasing your ROI and help convert your website visitors in to future clients.

I also advise you post more than just a link though to get the most out of this exercise:

If you want any specific advice eg SEO (search engine optimisation), Social Media, or a more technical how to go about implementing some killer feature you have been thinking about - please do feel free to specify this. This way I can concentrate on the things that will be most valuable to you.

I have been in the web / digital industry for well over 5 years, and prior to this my background was based in Computer Science specialising in Mobile Devices, Reality Mining, Invisible Computing, Location Based Services and Social Networks.

I am more than happy to discuss a wide range of topics from technical optimisations, all the way through to usability and the actual design of your site - I define myself as a "Hybrid Developer", thus being both creative and technically minded I can aid you through the full development cycle of your website from design to implementation and beyond. If you are interested in general web/digital tips and news, feel free to check out my twitter presence (@jason_mayes) to keep in the loop.

Given that it is Christmas, this is my XMAS present to you all :-)

First come first served (I will try and fit in as many as I can in the free time I have up until the new year), responses will be posted here as and when I can for all to benefit from and to avoid repeat questions etc.

As there are only so many hours in a day (and I also have other work to be doing) each website I review will have at max 30 mins spent constructing my reply to you. If you need a more in depth analysis, after reading my reply feel free to get in touch.

tomharrow's picture

Hi Jason

Thanks so much! Such valuable feedback massively appreciated.

Wishing you all the best in 2011!

Kind Regards,

yehudili's picture

Thank you for your sharing, hugely useful to me. My shopping website development is good,thanks.

jasonmayes's picture

Thanks Tom, glad it was useful! All the best for 2011 too! Do let me know how your site develops, I think it has great potential. :-)

jasonmayes's picture

2 days left to get your free website check up! Any concerns about your site? Unsure what to do next? Ask now. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far it has been great viewing your sites :-)

ZestExpress's picture


Thank you for your time. Plenty to think about and hugely useful to us.

Have a great Christmas! Ashley

jasonmayes's picture

Glad you also found it useful Ashley! Let me know how you get on.

Lilili's picture

Thanks Anna & Jason.

jasonmayes's picture

Thanks for the requests so far, am trying to reply to Ruth's but it wont let me post it (maybe reply is too long) - have asked the ITDonut team to find out why. Your response is ready though Ruth and will hopefully be posted as soon as it allows me to! Watch this space.

Lilili's picture

Wow Jason, thanks so much! There's loads there to work on- both quick fixes and things to chew over. I really appreciate your help. Thanks again for taking the time to do this.

tomharrow's picture

Hi Jason

Thanks for your kind offer. We just relaunched We have a pretty detailed product plan for the coming 12 months but it's always good to get more feedback/criticism .


jasonmayes's picture

Just finished your review, you can read it here:

Great work on the site. For that reason I have concentrated on the more techie things you can optimise which will aid you when you get even more popular. :-)

jasonmayes's picture

Will do yours next Tom - sorry for slight delay, had a pause over Christmas. Watch this space! :-)

ZestExpress's picture

Hi Jason,

Thanks for offering your services over this festive period.

I've recently launched my website and business (3 weeks ago), admittedly before we were ready as we had a magazine and radio interview that we just couldn't turn down. As a result, the website is still being developed and we still need to tidy a lot of it up.

However, as we are still developing the site, your first impressions and general thoughts at this stage would be greatly appreciated.

This is my first experience into online retail - so be kind!

Best regards, Ashley

annak's picture

Hi Ashley

You can view Jason's feedback on your site here


Lilili's picture

Hi Jason,
thank you for your kind offer. My website is here: and my main concern is finding the right SEO terms to optimise for, and how specific to be to gain targeted traffic without cutting out potentially interested customers e.g. baby vest vs organic black spotty long sleeved baby vest.
Secondly, like most online retailers, I'm keen to minimise cart abandonment, and wonder about the best ways to do this?
Have a great Christmas,
Kind regards

annak's picture

Hi Ruth

You can read Jason's reply here

Thanks again, Jason, for offering to help our IT Donut readers.


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