Although cloud computing is popular, many business owners are anxious about storing their information on an external server, and are unsure of the benefits of accessing it via the internet. So, what are your options?
Using cloud services - storing your information offsite - for tasks including your customer relationship management (CRM) system, email and accounting can reduce the money and time you spend managing in-house systems or hiring IT support. But some business owners find the idea of handing over control of this sensitive information daunting.
“A lot of firms already use cloud computing without realising - for example, email and social networks are both cloud services,” says Robert Davies, founder of Alpha Technical Solutions . “Cloud services can be very useful for firms that have more than a few employees or customers.”
Start by looking at the key tasks your business needs to achieve, and assess whether it would be cheaper and take up less management time to use cloud rather than internal systems.
If you are thinking about storing part of your data somewhere other than your own computer or server, make sure you research the offer well. “You have to be careful, but if you use a trusted system, your information should be safe,” Davies says. “You should pick a service that takes your particular needs into account.”
Popular cloud storage systems used by small businesses include:
Software as a Service (SaaS) includes software that you install on your computer and rent for a period of time, but it can also be a cloud service based entirely online.
Here are some cloud software packages that you could use:
“Anything that involves interacting with another person, or sharing information work particularly well for small businesses,” says Davies.
“However, cloud-based contact centres can be expensive for small firms, and you could be in trouble if your internet goes down. So keep a back-up of at least some of your data in-house.”
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