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About the IT Donut

Hey, you found us. Great! We're here with intelligent, practical IT advice for small businesses just like yours. We can show you how to choose, use and stop getting confused by your business computer systems.

We know business technology inside out and we know business too. What's more, we speak plain English, not techno-jargon - so if you've heard about cloud computing or continuity planning but have no idea what it means for your business, you can find out right here.

Here are the answers to the questions people ask most about the IT Donut. If you're after some other information, just contact us.

What makes the IT Donut different?

Information on the IT Donut is created by people who know IT and understand how businesses can use it. What's more, our information is checked by independent experts - so you can be sure you're not just getting any old advice. You're getting the best advice.

Unlike some other advice sites, we don't have a vested interest in promoting a particular product or service. We do work with sponsors and experts, who use the IT Donut to show you how they may be able to help you. But you're under no obligation to deal with them.

Why should I register for the IT Donut?

All the information available on the IT Donut is free. But if you register (also free, of course), you'll rake in a few more benefits:

  • Our regular newsletter. Every month, we'll hit your inbox with relevant information, tips, advice and special offers.
  • Unrestricted access. Some of our best tools are for members only. One you sign up, you'll get the run of the site.
  • You're part of something. Registered users can add comments to our articles and participate in our forums.

Who will you sell my details to?

Nobody. It's that simple - we take your privacy extremely seriously. Unless you ask us to, we will not pass your contact details or any other personal information to anyone else. You’ll find full details in our privacy policy.

Who's behind the IT Donut?

The IT Donut is one of a group of sites: you can also visit the Start Up, Marketing and Law Donuts. The company behind them all is BHP Information Solutions. You can call us BHP for short - we have offices in London and Bristol and have 19 years' experience of working with UK small businesses.

I'm an IT expert. Can I get more involved?

We're always looking for people who know about IT to help with the site. If you fancy contributing - and appearing as an expert on the site - please get in touch.