Windows + I
- Window Restart, Shutdown, Sleep, Taskbar Notification Icons like Network, Sound Control, Brightness, Notifications, Keyboard.
Windows + X
- Menu for frequent Administrator Tasks
Windows + Number key
- Opens the corresponding application on your taskbar
Windows + Ctrl + Shift + Number key
- Opens the corresponding application on your taskbar with elevated priviledges
Windows + C
- This shortcut gives you view the Settings, Devices, Start, Share & Search. This is the same option that comes when you move the mouse to the extreme bottom right corner.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc
- Toggle between Modern Desktop & Legacy Desktop
Windows + D
- Takes you to Legacy Windows Desktop.
- If you press this key from the Modern Desktop, this takes you to the currently active application on the Legacy Desktop.
- If you press this key from the Legacy Desktop, this displays the Desktop.
- Pressing the same key combination, will Toggle Between the Legacy Desktop and Active Application on the Legacy Desktop
- Only Legacy Desktop shown when all applications are in a minimized state
Windows + B
- From the Modern Desktop, this takes you to the currently active application on the Legacy Desktop.
- If all application are in minimized state on Legacy Desktop, this command will take you to the Legacy Desktop.
- No effect when used from a Legacy Desktop.
Windows + M
- From the Modern Desktop, this takes you to the Legacy Desktop and minimizes all applications on the Legacy Desktop
- When used from a Legacy Desktop, minimizes all applications.
- If all application are in minimized state on Legacy Desktop, this command will take you to the Legacy Desktop.
Windows + Q
- Displays Apps windows with all apps and Search Bar
Windows + W
- Displays Search Settings.
Windows + E
- Windows Explorer displaying Computer Folder. Same as clicking on My Computer.
Windows + R
Windows + T
- Displays the Window Group Thumbnails on your taskbar. This is equivalent of hovering the mouse over the Taskbar Icons.
- Each time you press the Windows + T combination, the next application group is displayed
Windows + U
- Displays Ease of Access Center
Windows + P
- Option to Extend the display.
Windows + +
Windows + F
Windows + H
Windows + K
- Display Devices to Share with.
Windows + <
Windows + L
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