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Plan your IT maintenance tasks

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Your IT system needs regular checks and updates. Making sure it is working and well maintained probably ensures the smooth running of your company.

But what does IT maintenance really involve — is simply checking that everything works well enough?

  1. Do your IT maintenance regularly. Your business depends on an IT system that works without fault. A well-maintained system means your IT is secure and up to date. It should be a priority to regularly check and update anything that could cause costly downtime.
  2. Draw up a schedule for your IT maintenance. Break your schedule down into daily, weekly and monthly tasks. The frequency depends on how critical each elelment is for the day-to-day running of your business. Backups should be done daily, for example. Keep a record of all software licences plus their renewal dates and the age of any hardware such as screens and keyboards.
  3. Software and hardware need maintenance. Both your IT equipment and the software you run need regular checks. For example, if you work as a designer, your computer screens might need calibrating at specific intervals. Other tasks could be a weekly back up that then needs to be stored off-site.

  4. IT maintenance tips


    • Check for software updates and fixes
    • Produce schedules and stick to them
    • Get expert help when necessary


    • Ignore your maintenance schedule
    • Neglect to install manufacturer updates and fixes
    • Concentrate only on software maintenance

    Make monitoring part of your IT maintenance. Knowing how staff use your IT can help how you maintain it. If staff type a lot of reports, keyboards and mice might need replacing more quickly than in an office where staff use them less. Make sure you monitor and check hardware separately from software. 

  5. Don’t ignore IT maintenance tasks. Are your software licences all up to date? Is your anti-virus programme doing its job? Is it time to change passwords? Think how you would deal with downtime, a possible infection or hacker-attack how quickly would you want to put a stop to it? This will give you the frequency with which you should do this task.
  6. Check and maintain your security measures. The internet poses the biggest security threat to business IT. Part of your IT maintenance should be a regular check to make sure your firewall and anti-virus software are doing their jobs.
  7. Don’t overcomplicate your IT maintenance. Your maintenance tasks should be easily achieved so that they don’t become a burden. Try and involve your employees in simple house-keeping tasks, for example, keeping hardware dust-free.
  8. Outsource your IT maintenance as you grow. A growing business will mean increased workloads for your IT system and your staff. A larger network might require more specialist knowledge that only an expert can provide. Find an IT supplier.

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