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Why such a limit on laptop life?

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Why such a limit on laptop life?

January 12, 2011 by

Smashed laptop 

Our friend Ooh Matron (false name, genuine profession) dumped her two-year old laptop PC the other week. Its battery was dead, it took an age to boot up and its hard disk had slowed to a crawl. What's more, the operating system was bleating endlessly about updates, updates and yet more updates. Just as one alert was swatted away, another would start barking for attention.

Ooh's story mirrors exactly my experience with another brand of laptop (and we’re talking about two major multinational companies, by the way). Each was unusable after just 24 months. Is there some unwritten law of PC lifespans that we’ve all unwittingly bought into? It certainly doesn’t say much for manufacturers that they've yet to learn how to build longer lasting machines.

PCs should last longer

Anyway, why should we put up with an inbuilt expiry date? We’re told we should work to a 36-month lifespan because there’ll be better and more productive machinery available in three years — but is that still the case? I’d understand it if every year saw a qualitative leap in the capabilities of hardware and software, but isn't there now an argument that the functionality and feature set of general office software has peaked? If so, surely it shouldn't be exceeding the capability of the hardware it runs on?

Many of the latest business IT services are accessed over the internet (software as a service, smartphone apps, etc). Surely this browser-based revolution actually means less wear on PC components? Aren't businesses better served by putting their IT budget towards faster broadband services instead of unnecessary new hardware?

Decades, not years

Interestingly, Apple has boxed itself into a corner in this regard. Were their machines to start giving out after two years, word would soon spread around the Mac community which would protest accordingly. Perhaps that's less likely on the PC side, where there are myriad suppliers and manufacturers.

I've seen Mac computers last five, six and seven years respectively, but I certainly don’t want to enter that tired old debate (Apple is far from perfect itself). It is, however, evidence that manufacturers are perfectly capable of building longer lasting machines.

If we're being asked to accept PCs as limited life commodity items, then fine — just so long as that limited life mirrors other commodity electronics. Our washing machine, for instance, is into its second decade, while we got our portable telly back in 1983...

(Full disclosure: this is an extended remix of a reply I posted on this topic back in August.)

Image of a smashed laptop from Flickr user S Baker under a Creative Commons licence.

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openglobal's picture

Our youngest laptop is at least 8 years old and still going fine. When the battery dies, I buy a new one. There's nothing wrong with the hardware. It's users that are they problem. If people stop installing everything application that comes their way and every bit of trial software they find on the internet, and if they stop filling their computer with viruses, they'll last a lifetime.</p><p>You can't blame Ford if you put cooking oil in your Car. So you can't blame Dell, HP, Lenovo (etc) if your computer has ground to a halt because you've filled it with rubbish.

Being a "techie" I get all my friends and family coming to me for help complaining that they bought such and such a laptop less than a couple of years ago and it's ground to a halt already. After taking a quick look into it, 100% of issues have been user-caused.

Martin Read's picture

Monex, you make a good point. It seems to me that while Apple make batteries that last longer than cheap laptops, they hardly ever match the published performance stats - just like everyone else. My point in this piece was more about the overall hardware quality, but you're right to point out that even Apple, which makes a big noise about battery life, often fails to meet expectations.

Monex's picture

I originally figured that.I was getting about 2 hours battery life in a fairly conservative.operating mode as opposed to the 4.5 hours claimed by Apple..Actually I never expected to get 4 hours but less than 2 is not.acceptable. During a call to AppleCare the technician claimed that.a battery life of between 2 to 5 hours is in spec the advertising.notwithstanding...The whole driving force for the work I did on this page was.driven by the fact that the battery IMHO is undersized for this.particular computer.

Martin Read's picture

@r0bb1eh commented: "the more you use it & better you look after it the longer it will last. pc's, like any tool, need to be looked after."

With cheaper laptops, the more you use them — however delicately — the more likely they are to conk out before their second birthday. Some components are truly awful, especially batteries. We're not talking about the effects of spilt coffee or devices dropped on floors, we're talking about regular, everyday use. If it's a case of 'you get what you pay for', then we need a better way of calculating the lifespan to cost ratio.

Perhaps businesses should empower their employees to make their own choices next time?

Martin Read's picture

Quite simply, Imi, your battery is ****. And it shouldn't be.

Could manufacturers be banking on you not bothering to replace your battery and instead upgrading to their latest generation laptop? Surely not.

Laptops should come with a battery shelf-life certificate, to an internationally accepted test standard. Such a certificate should show what percentage of your battery's capacity will still exist after, say, 2 years or X number of charge cycles. Now we have smart charging circuits, this kind of test should be fairly easy to do.

Imi Votteler's picture

I always find the battery is the first to go. Ok, so I occasionally leave my laptop plugged in for extended periods (weeks at a time), but nowadays we have smart charging circuits that don't overcharge the battery, right?

The battery on my ex-main laptop now lasts just about long enough for me to unplug it, RUN upstairs, and plug it back in. If the move is over a distance greater than say 50 metres, I'd have to hibernate it and then resume when at my new location.

So, am I on my own here? Am I a battery abuser, a lithium ion imbecile? Let me know!

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