A little before Christmas we asked you (and our Twitter followers) to show us your divine desktops. We wanted to see how you organise your computer so you can find what you want and get some work done. (Oh, and we wanted to see cool arty wallpapers, imaginative icon layouts and the like too.)
Plenty of you sent us an image of your desktop, so we've compiled a gallery of our favourites. And now we want to know what you think.
Are there any you're particularly keen on? Do you you hate any of them? Is yours better? And have you spotted any tweaks or shortcuts that inspire you to change your own desktop?
Add a comment below or hit us up with a Tweet to @itdonut using the hashtag #divinedesktops.
@southglosmiller |
Want to add your own to this list? Read our earlier blog post to find out how. |
A nice idea to let people upload their desktop pictures! It sounds silly but I can't concentrate on my work if I don't like the wallpaper I have up on my desktop. Mostly because I keep trying to find a better picture. Does anyone else find this too?
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