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Business tech bargain: a massive 3TB hard drive for less

Business tech bargain: a massive 3TB hard drive for less

June 03, 2013 by John McGarvey

Tech bargain hard driveData, data, data. Your business is almost certainly creating more of it than ever. So, where can you keep it all?

How about this Toshiba external hard drive? The StoreE Canvio hard drive might be a strange, badly-capitalised name, but with 3TB (terabytes) of storage space it has room for an enormous amount of data.

And although the amount of storage is high, the price of this tech bargain is low. You can currently pick it up from Dabs for just £83.98, which is one of the cheapest 3TB drives we've ever seen.

About this tech bargain

It's sometimes hard to understand what a volume of storage like '3TB' means in practice. So, in real-world terms this Toshiba external hard drive is certainly big enough to back up all the information on your own computer, with plenty of data to spare.

In fact, 3TB is enough to store:

  • Enough music to play continously for over four years without repeating a track
  • Around 600 full-length DVD movies
  • Over 20 million typical business Word documents (like simple letters or reports)

The point is that 3TB is enough to back up an awful lot of your valuable business data.

There are two other important points to note about this bargain hard drive:

  • It has a USB 3.0 connection, which means if your computer has USB 3.0 capabilities then it'll transfer data nice and quickly.
  • It comes with a separate power adaptor that you have to plug in, so it's not ideal for portable use.

In terms of high-capacity storage offering value for money, it's probably the best you'll find.

See details and buy from Dabs >>


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